Carpino, Taxi ride-hailing service
Carpino is a taxi ride-hailing service in Tehran, using smart phones.
Easy transportation, fastest route to the destination and high security are some of the advantages of the recognized taxi ride-hailing service in Tehran.
Passengers are insured during Carpino rides.
Carpino fleet consists of yellow and green taxis.
All taxis receive a technical examination certificate every 6 months.
All taxies can enter the traffic zone without any limits.
All Carpino drivers are married, own class 2 driver's license, work permit from Taxi Organization and clearance certificate.
24/7 support desk available through calling 1800
Carpino services:
General: the most favorite service, economic, fast and high quality service.
Van: especial service for women: female-only passenger and driver service.
VIP: Luxury taxi service, fast and comfortable
Request Carpino:
Open the application
After defining your departure and destination on the map, you will see the ride fare.
Select the send request button in order to be connected to the nearest driver.
After the ride has ended, rate the driver and give feedbacks to help the Carpino team improve the service.
Carpino app features:
1- Contacting the driver through calling or messaging
2- Contacting the support desk during a trip
3- Adding a route to your favorite routes.
4- Adding a second destination or a return trip
5- Adding wait time for a trip
6- Pay online or by cash
7- Smart rating and monitoring system
8- High quality services, various and economic
9- 24-hour support
10- Secure rides
11- Easy accessibility and ease of use